End of summer: 5 tips to protect your skin

Fall is here and that means our skin and immune system need a proper boost. These five tips will help you improve your immune system.
Our immune system is exposed to some stress in autumn and winter. The constant change between warm and cold and the dry heating air in many rooms weaken it and make it particularly easy for viruses. For our largest organ - the skin - it is a stress test.
So that you can get through the coming months as healthy and fresh as possible, you will find tips here with which you can defy harmful influences. In combination, they are particularly effective.
The right diet
With the right diet, you can already sustainably strengthen the immune system. Various studies show that cell-protecting minerals such as selenium or zinc ward off cold viruses. Dietary supplements are suitable for those who cannot get them through their daily diet. Such as our Beautyhacker Collagen Drink with vitamins C, E and the recommended daily amount of zinc. Positive side effect: The 5 grams of collagen per portion ensure beautiful skin from the inside in the cold months.
Vitamin D is also important for our health. It is involved in numerous metabolic processes and plays an important role in strong bones, strong muscles and a stable immune system. The “sunshine vitamin” is important, among other things, because it supports your intestines in absorbing calcium and phosphate. Calcium, which is so important for the bones, could not be stored without vitamin D. We only get about 10 percent of our vitamin D household through our food. M ore than 90% of vitamin D is formed in our body through exposure to the sun in the skin.
Also make sure that your food is as plant-based and varied as possible. Our tip: ginger. This heats up the body and promotes blood circulation. For example, simply as a vegan "pumpkin-ginger soup".
Your skin should not only be moisturized from the outside but also from the inside. This is best achieved by your Drink enough fluids throughout the day, especially water or unsweetened tea. Experts recommend a fluid intake of around 1.5 liters a day. The same applies here: Why not prepare yourself a delicious collagen drink right away.
Sufficient sleep
Our body regenerates while we sleep – this has been known for a long time. Deep sleep in particular could play a decisive role for our immune system. According to studies, those who sleep less than seven hours a day are three times more likely to catch a cold.
So if you want to strengthen your immune system, you should promote restful sleep. Relaxation exercises can help. Banning electronic devices from the bedroom also has a positive effect on sleep. And falling asleep itself is elementary. If you have trouble falling asleep like many people these days, melatonin is recommended in the evening. The sleep hormone supports the process of falling asleep and, in combination with magnesium, the "salt of inner peace", is a wonderful combination for a relaxed and regenerating beauty sleep.
Our tip for restful sleep: In order to promote falling asleep, it is advisable to maintain an evening ritual. For example, treat yourself to the Beautyhacker Dream Dust half an hour before you go to bed. With the melatonin it contains, the high-quality magnesium and the vitamins B1, B6 and B12, it is the perfect end to the day. And it tastes delicious like passion fruit in water as well as with milk or oat milk.
Contrast showers and sauna sessions
Contrast showers and sauna sessions are also very effective. The change from warm to cold stimulates the blood vessels and promotes blood circulation in the mucous membranes. Even if it is often claimed that contrast showers alone cannot reduce cellulite. But: Skin with good circulation generally appears rosier and fresher and can support the positive effects of a balanced diet and exercise. But be careful: Dermatologists advise not showering and bathing too often and instead increasing the shower intervals. Because every time the skin dries out. And now to switch to the autumn/winter variants of care products, which are richer, have a lower pH value and also do not attack the skin due to few ingredients. Because she needs special protection now. The same applies to the shower room. It is better to use a mild shower oil here.
Ventilation is recommended for a healthy room climate. Due to the warm heating air, the air in most buildings is very dry. This dries out the mucous membranes and skin and can irritate them. Therefore, it should be aired regularly for 2 - 5 minutes. This not only improves the air in the room, but also stimulates the circulation.
Let there be light
You don't manage to get enough exercise in the light? Then the "light shower" could also do something where you let a special, very bright lamp with about 10,000 lux shine on you for about half an hour a day. Such "light therapy lamps" are available in specialist shops. If necessary, ask your doctor in advance whether a light shower would make sense - especially if you suffer from skin diseases, eye problems or general sensitivity to light.