This article examines the importance of recovery in exercise and how an ever-growing number of active people can benefit from the "recovery principle." We're also looking at the best ways to optimize recovery, including some exciting news about collagen peptides.
The world population is becoming more active. In recent years there has been a boom in recreational sports and athletics, with millions of people taking up their favorite pastime either at an amateur level or as a hobby. Although not everyone does it for the same reasons. The part-time sports enthusiast and non-professional bodybuilders want to achieve their performance goals, take inspiration from the pros and push it further with more intensive training. Then there are those who take up physical activity as part of a lifestyle strategy. These people want to be fitter and healthier, so they go to the gym, bike, jog, etc. Lastly, there are the elderly who are well-informed and incorporate sports and fitness activities into a regular routine in their lives as a preventative health measure.
The trend towards more activity is a great thing for global fitness levels. However, many active people are unaware of the importance of exercise recovery, also known as the "recovery principle" (which professional athletes, athletes, and bodybuilders are already aware of).
What is sports recovery and why is it important?
In order to benefit from intense training and exercise, the body needs time to recover. This not only helps to benefit from training, but also reduces the risk of injury. In general, athletes and other athletes train for one reason: they want to get fitter and stronger so their bodies can withstand more and their levels of performance improve.
In the recovery phase, the improvement actually takes place. Here's why: Intense exercise puts a strain on your body. The body then adapts to this stress so that it can handle it next time. However, in order to adapt, the body must first recover. For example, lifting weights causes many very small tears in muscle fibers; The body then repairs that damage and adds some extra fiber so it can handle the stress better next time. This is how muscle building works. However, in order to repair the muscle damage, the body needs a period of rest, otherwise it cannot keep up with the damage and injuries will eventually occur.
Intensive training can strain the entire musculoskeletal system and lead to sore muscles and inflammation in the connective tissue. If you continue to train intensely in this state, you risk injury and poor performance. For all athletes, bodybuilders and athletes, recovery is an essential part of training.
In the second part, we look at the optimization and added value of collagen peptides in sports recovery.